The beginning.

Hi,my name is Alexis.I am the most mature 21 year old you would ever met.But theres a down side to being so mature but yet so young.

Being in that categorey is tough.You have your own everything car,apartment,staedy full time job that pays way above minmum wage.Mature right? Doesnt sound amazing to have everything on your own?i bet your thing wow your lucky;you have all the freedom you can ask for.Well im here to tell you its no where that fancy.

Being so young you want to party,travel,get waisted and just do things normal 21 year olds would do. You would think i go out every weekend.Well no,i actually dont do any of that. Why? You ask. Well its becaise i have no choice but to take care of every aspect of my life on my own,no type of help on anything.No help on bills financially and managing. No help on mataining my apartment.These responsiblilties to took over my young adult life.

I sometimes have the urge to just act my age and just forget about my responsibilities and just blow my money on clothes and trips;but if i did i wouldnt have all the things i have now. Being mature but yet so young has it glorified side but also it has its downfall.

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